Science Behind Thor's Hammer
From the Superhero Who is a Billionaire, Philanthropist and a Playboy, Who wears a armour suit packed with advanced technology and plenty of gadgets (The Ironman), to the superhero Who comes from a different planet (Asgard), Who is the God of Thunder and most importantly Who holds a Hammer in his hands called 'Mjolnir' which cannot be wielded or lifted by anybody else (The Thor). Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) and Marvel comics have always shown us things which left us amazed and made us say Amazing, Wonderful, Astonishing and so on, Because of his astonishing super powers, mightiness and the Hammer He holds, Thor has always been the character which almost every individual superhero fan likes.
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Thor (Chris Hemsworth) |
Thor's Hammer (Mjolnir):
Whether It is a Marvel comic or Movie, The Mjolnir that is Thor's Hammer has always been a center of attraction because of its properties like, It is superiorly powerful, It is forged from the Asgardian metal 'Uru', It can only be used by those who are worthy of holding it. The meaning Hammer's name 'Mjolnir' is "that which smashes". Which is a correct meaning, Thor's Hammer does smash his enemies very badly. š
- Weight is denoted by the symbol 'W'.
- Weight is the product of the mass (m) of the object and the magnitude of local gravitational acceleration (g). thus W=mg.
- The unit of measurement for weight is that of force, which in the International System of Units (SI) is the newton.
Okay! As We know this terms, Let's go ahead.
- 1) If, I will apply 5N (5 newtons) Force on the dumbbell to lift it. Obviously, I will not be able to lift it because the Force the dumbbell applying on the surface 10N is more than the Force I am applying.
- 2) If, I will apply 10N (10 newtons) Force on the dumbbell to lift it, I will not be able to lift it because the Force of the dumbbell and the Force applied by me will be equal, resulting in no movement of the dumbbell.
-3) If I will apply 15N (15 newtons) Force on the dumbbell to lift it, I will definitely be able to lift it because the Force applied by me will be greater the Force of the dumbbell.
But, wait a minute here is the fun part Thor's Hammer doesn't have any weight. Yeah! It's true the Thor's Hammer has 0N (0 newtons) Weight.
Because if Mjolnir has a lots of weight and it applies a lots of Force on the surface It is placed on, It would have destroyed the whole Earth when Odin threw it on the Earth (in the movie Thor) or It would have destroyed that hanger Thor hung his Hammer on (in movie Thor: The Dark World) or It would have shattered the glass table Thor kept his Hammer on (in movie Avengers: Age of Ultron).
So, Now the question is How does Mjolnir stay stable on the surface It is kept on? and How does It oppose the Force applied on it and doesn't allow Itself to move?
The simple answer to these questions is Gravitons. Yes! Mjolnir uses Gravitons to stay stable on the surface It is kept on, and to oppose the Force which is being applied to it.
Which means that Thor's Hammer is kind of Graviton emitter.
For example,
- In the idle state, Thor's Hammer doesn't emit any Gravitons which means the Force applied by it will be 0N (0 newtons) but as soon as some Force is applied on it, Mjolnir will start emitting Gravitons and will oppose the applied with equal and opposite force.
- Let's say If I apply Force of 250N (250 newtons) on Thor's Hammer (Which I practically can'tš) Mjolnir will start emitting Gravitons and will produce the Force of 250N (250 newtons) resulting in no movement at all.
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Thor's Hammer (Mjolnir) |
Science Behind Thor's Hammer:
Now, Let's get to the point and try understanding, Science behind Thor's Hammer and try getting answers of some of the common and obscure questions which come in our mind when We think of Thor's Hammer. But wait before We start let us go through some simple Scientific terms and definitions which You must know if you are here. If you don't, Don't worry!, I have got your back.1) Weight:
Weight has different definitions with a common or slightly different meaning but commonly weight is known as,
- "A body's relative mass or quantity of matter contained by it, giving it rise to a downward force the heaviness of a person or thing."
- "In Science and Engineering, the weight of an object is usually taken to be the force on the object due to gravity."- Weight is denoted by the symbol 'W'.
- Weight is the product of the mass (m) of the object and the magnitude of local gravitational acceleration (g). thus W=mg.
- The unit of measurement for weight is that of force, which in the International System of Units (SI) is the newton.
2) Force:
- "In physics, a Force is any interaction that, when unopposed, will change the motion of an object. A force can cause an object with mass to change its velocity (which includes to begin moving from a state of rest), i.e., to accelerate."
- "In simple words Force can also be described as, a push or pull."
- Force is denoted by the symbol 'F'.
- Force has both magnitude and direction.
- Force is measured in SI unit newton.
3) Gravitons:
- "In speculative theories of quantum gravity, the Graviton is a hypothetical elementary particle that mediates the force of gravitation in the framework of quantum field theory."
- "In simple words, Gravitons are the particles which are emitted by a matter to take advantage of gravitational force."----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Okay! As We know this terms, Let's go ahead.
What is the Science behind lifting anything?:
For lifting a matter You will have to apply more Force than the matter itself.
- For example,
Let's suppose that I have a dumbbell of Weight 10N (10 newtons),
Example 1 |
Example 2 |
-3) If I will apply 15N (15 newtons) Force on the dumbbell to lift it, I will definitely be able to lift it because the Force applied by me will be greater the Force of the dumbbell.
Example 3 |
What is the Science behind lifting Mjolnir?/Why can't anybody lift it?:
By reading all this, You may be thinking that "It's so simple, Thor's Hammer has a lot of Weight and so It applies lots of Force on the surface and Boom! That's why nobody can lift it."But, wait a minute here is the fun part Thor's Hammer doesn't have any weight. Yeah! It's true the Thor's Hammer has 0N (0 newtons) Weight.
Because if Mjolnir has a lots of weight and it applies a lots of Force on the surface It is placed on, It would have destroyed the whole Earth when Odin threw it on the Earth (in the movie Thor) or It would have destroyed that hanger Thor hung his Hammer on (in movie Thor: The Dark World) or It would have shattered the glass table Thor kept his Hammer on (in movie Avengers: Age of Ultron).
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Thor's Hammer on the Earth |
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Thor's Hammer on the hanger |
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Thor's hammer on the table |
So, Now the question is How does Mjolnir stay stable on the surface It is kept on? and How does It oppose the Force applied on it and doesn't allow Itself to move?
The simple answer to these questions is Gravitons. Yes! Mjolnir uses Gravitons to stay stable on the surface It is kept on, and to oppose the Force which is being applied to it.
Which means that Thor's Hammer is kind of Graviton emitter.
For example,
- In the idle state, Thor's Hammer doesn't emit any Gravitons which means the Force applied by it will be 0N (0 newtons) but as soon as some Force is applied on it, Mjolnir will start emitting Gravitons and will oppose the applied with equal and opposite force.
- Let's say If I apply Force of 250N (250 newtons) on Thor's Hammer (Which I practically can'tš) Mjolnir will start emitting Gravitons and will produce the Force of 250N (250 newtons) resulting in no movement at all.
Example |
How can Mjolnir be lifted?/Who can lift Mjolnir?/Secret behind Worthiness:
Now, As we know that Why Thor's Hammer can't be lifted? Let's go ahead and try to understand How can Mjolnir be lifted?, Who can lift It? and How does Mjolnir verify Worthiness?
Who can lift Mjolnir?:
According to Odin (Thor's Father), Mjolnir can only be wielded by the person who is worthy of holding it.
Odin has enchanted the hammer by the enchantment "Whosoever holds this Hammer, If he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."
Worthy of what? is again a big question.
When Thor got punished by Odin and came to live on Earth without his Powers, He became worthy of it by penancing his wrongs and mistakes.
So, If a person is worthy enough to hold the Mjolnir, He can lift and wield it.
So far in the Comics Captain America wielded Thor's Hammer when He needed it to save the world and He became worthy of holding it for a particular time. But after the accomplishment of his task, He became unworthy of it again.
So, This clears our doubt about Why did we think that Captain America will lift the Hammer when he moved it a little in Avengers: Age of Ultron.
But the Hammer cannot be lifted by those who are unworthy of it. That is why even some strongest characters like Mighty Hulk couldn't lift Mjolnir with his great power. Also, Ironman couldn't lift it even with his plenty of advanced technology.
But a Human Android Vision could easily lift the Hammer because He doesn't have any unworthiness in his mind.
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Captain America holding Mjolnir |
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Captain trying to lift Mjolnir |
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Hulk trying to lift Mjolnir |
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Tony and Rhodey trying to lift Mjolnir |
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Vision lifted Mjolnir |
How does Mjolnir verify Worthiness:
Now, Let's see How does actually Mjolnir verify somebody's Worthiness to hold it?
It may sound confusing but It is simple indeed. As I mentioned earlier that Odin (Thor's Father) enchanted Mjolnir with an Enchantment because He didn't want Mjolnir to go in Wrong Hands.
So, Let's take it this way that Odin's enchantment for Mjolnir was not actually some kind of magic instead It was an encryption. That means Odin may have encrypted Thor's Hammer by giving it voice commands. You may be wondering but Come on! We do use this stuff in our day to day life, We give voice commands to our Smart devices, We encrypt our data and devices so that It cannot be stolen by others.
Mjolnir has sensors which start scanning the person's body who is trying to lift it. It scans the person's brain, neurons, nervous system, and thoughts to identify whether He/She is worthy of it or not.
The question is, Are Sensors capable of scanning Human's brain, neurons, nervous system, and thoughts? The answer is, Come on! It's Asgardian Technology, It's far ahead of us.
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Odin |
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Odin enchanting Mjolnir |
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Asgard |
How can Mjolnir be lifted:
Now besides, All these things, Let's see, can Mjolnir actually be lifted?
As I mentioned Thor's Hammer uses Gravitons to oppose the power which is being applied to it and It uses sensors to verify the person's Worthiness.
It means that Mjolnir can't emit Gravitons if there is no Gravity around it.
I may say Eureka! because even I can lift the Mjolnir if there isn't gravitation.
Well, It's not pretty clear but some of Marvel's characters like Red Hulk and Ironman have been able to lift and wield Mjolnir in the Comics when they were in space and there was no Gravitational Force. So, It does make a kind of sense that Mjolnir can be lifted if there is no Gravitational Force.![]() |
Red Hulk wielding Mjolnir |
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Ironman wielding Mjolnir |
So that was all about Science behind Thor's hammer. I have tried to explain almost everything about Mjolnir and the Science behind it. We saw different theories about Mjolnir like What is it?, Why can't it be lifted?, How can we lift it?. and now We know all these stuff.
That's it, for now, I have put my best efforts to summon all these information together and present it to you in an easy way. I hope you liked my article about Thor and Mjolnir. There can be different explanations about Thor's Hammer on different websites but What I have done is I have posted the most reliable and easy way of explanation about Mjolnir.
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Article By/Author: Virat Kamble.
About Article:
Article By/Author: Virat Kamble.
Images and media: Marvel.
Check this out! It's everything you need to about Thor's Hammer.